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- H -

This site contains a comprehensive list of U.S. military terms and definitions.

H Symbol for the magnetic field of the propagated radio wave
H2O Critical life-essential liquid, commonly known as water
HA Humanitarian Assistance
HAA Helicopter Alighting Area
HAB (1) High Altitude Burst; (2) High Altitude Bombing; (3) High Air Burst; (4) Hardened Aircraft Bunker
HAC (1) House Appropriations Committee; (2) Historical Area Coverage
HACC Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center
HAE High-Altitude Endurance
HAHO High-Altitude High-Opening
HAIS Hawaiian Air Intelligence System
HAL Helicopter Light Attack
HALE High-Altitude Long-Endurance
HALO High-Altitude Low-Opening
HANE High-Altitude Nuclear Effects
HANG Hawaii Air National Guard
HARDLOOK Special Data Analysis Product of NAVSPACECOM/N24
HARDS High-Altitude Radiation Detection System
HARM High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (AGM-88A)
HARV Harassment Vehicle (Drone)
HAS Hardened Aircraft Shelter
HASC House Armed Services Committee
HATS Heuristic Automated Transportation System
HATMD High-Altitude Theater Missile Defense
HAV (1) High Acceleration Vehicle; (2) Heavy Armored Vehicle (non-tactical)
HAWS Hawaii Area Wideband System
HAZCON Hazardous Condition
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HB High Burst
HBWP Host-Based Word Processing
HC HUMINT Committee
HCA Humanitarian and Civic Assistance
HCC HUMINT Contingency Cell
HCF High Command of Forces
HCI/DV/AEX Human-Computer Interface/Data Visualization/Automated Expansion
HCR HUMINT Collection Requirement
HCS Helicopter Combat/Search and Rescue
HCU High Capacity Computer Unit
HD Horizontal Ground Distance
HDL Harry Diamond Laboratories
HDM Hierarchical Development Methodology
HDO Humanitarian Demining Operations
HDX Half Duplex
HX Half Duplex
HE High Explosive
HEAT High-Explosive AntiTank
HEC Helicopter Element Coordinator
HEDI High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor
HEF Hostile Establishment File
HEI High-Explosive Incendiary
HEL High-Energy Laser
HELIP HAWK European Limited Improvement Program
HELRATS High Energy Laser Radar Acquisition & Tracking System
HELSTF High-Energy Laser Systems Test Facility
HELW High-Energy Laser Weapons
HELWING Helicopter Wing
HEMP High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
HEMT High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
HEO (1) High-Earth-Orbit; (2) Highly Elliptical Orbit
HEP High-Explosive Plastic
HERO (1) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation To Ordnance; (2) Historical Evaluation and Research Organization
HERT Headquarters Emergency Relocation Team
HES Hardcopy Exploitation Systems
HESS Hangul English Support System
HEST High-Explosive Simulation Technique
HET Heavy Equipment Transporter
HF (1) High Frequency; (2) Height Finder; (3) Hydrogen Fluoride
HFE Human Factors Engineering
HFA High-Frequency Antenna
HF/DF High-Frequency Direction-Finding
HFE Heavy-Fuel Engine
HFEA Human Factors Engineering Assessment
HFP Host Front-End Protocol
HH Hand-Held
HHC Headquarters and Headquarters Company
HHD Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
HHS (1) Headquarters and Headquarter Services; (2) Hasty Hide Shelter
HHW Higher High Water
HIL High Interest List
HI-PAR High-Performance Precision-Approach Radar
HI-RES High-Resolution
HIC High-Intensity Conflict
HICOM High Command (CINCPACFLT Voice Network)
HIDSS Helmet-Integrated Display & Sight System
HIFAR High-Frequency Fixed-Array Radar
HIMAD (1) High- to Medium-Altitude Defense; (2) High to Medium Altitude Adjustment
HIMS HUMINT Information Management System
HIP Howitzer Improvement Program
HIRMS Human Intelligence Requirements Management System
HIROCC Hawaiian Islands Regional Operational Control Center
HIS (1) Honeywell Information System; (2) Hostile Intelligence Services
HISP Hostile Intelligence Service Profiler System
HIT High-Interest Track
HITS (1) Human Intelligence Tasking System; (2) Hawaii Information Transfer System
HJ HONEST JOHN (U.S. Surface-to-Surface Rocket)
HL Hand-Launched
HLA Helicopter Landing Areas
HLA/DZ Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone
HLA/DZS Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone Study
HLLV Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle
HL-UAV Hand-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
HLW Higher Low Water
HLZ Helicopter Landing Zone
HM Helicopter Mine Warfare
HMC HUMINT Management Center
HMCII Higher Military Command, Interior and Islands (Greece)
HMF Handbook of Military Forces
HMI (1) Host-Message Interface; (2) Human-Machine Interface
HMMWV High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
HMS (1) Her Majesty’s Ship; (2) HUMINT Management System
HMTV Head-Mounted Thermal Vision
HN Host Nation
HNAF Host Nation Armed Forces
HNIS Host Nation Intelligence Support
HNS Host Nation Support
HNSC House National Security Committee
HOB Height of Burst
HOBO Homing Optical Bomb
HOC (1) History of Coverage; (2) HUMINT Operations Cell
HOCNET HUMINT Operational Communications Network
HOE Homing Overlay Experiment
HOIS Hostile Intelligence Service(s)
HOJ Home on Jam
HOL High-Order Language
HOM (1) Head of Media; (2) Head of Mission
HOTA HUMINT Operational Tasking Authority
HOTOL Horizontal Takeoff & Landing
HOTPHOTOREP Hot Photographic Interpretation Report
HOTSIT Hot Situation Message
how Howitzer
HP (1) Headquarters Pamphlet; (2) Horsepower
HPA High-Power Amplifier
HPG Hardcopy Products Group
HPM High-Power Microwave
HPT (1) High-Payoff Target; (2) High-Priority Target
HPSC High-Performance Computing Research System
HPSCI House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
HQ/HQS Headquarters
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
HQJTF Headquarters, Joint Task Force
HQMC Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
HQMRHITS Quarterly Management Report
HQ USAF Headquarters, Department of the Air Force
HR (1) High Resolution; (2) Humanitarian Relief Service
hr Hour
HR/MR Human Readable/Machine Readable (Data)
HRC Human Resources Committee
HRCS High-Resolution Camera System
HRMS Human Intelligence Requirements Management System
HRPT High-Resolution Picture Transmissions
HRR High-Resolution Radar
HRS (1) Hours; (2) Humanitarian Relief Service
HRTV High-Resolution Television
HRU Hardcopy Reconstruction Unit
HRV High-Resolution Visible Range Instruments
HS (1) Helicopter Squadron; (2) Home Station
HSD HUMINT Support Detachment
HSE HUMINT Support Element
HSE-E HSE-Europe
HSI (1) Human Systems Integration; (2) Hyperspectral Imagery
H-SIP H-Camera Spectral Improvement Program
HSLLADS High Speed Low Level Aerial Delivery System
HSMS Human Sources Management System
HSS Health Service Support
HTACC Hardened Tactical Air Control Center
HTKP Hard-Target Kill Potential
HTLD High-Technology Light Division
HTOHL Horizontal Take-off and Horizontal Landing
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HUD Heads-Up Display
HULTEC Hull-to-Emitter Correlation
HUMINT Human Resources Intelligence
HUMMV High Utility Mobile Mechanized Vehicle
HUMRO Humanitarian Relief Operations
HUS Hardened Unique Storage
HUSK Hardened Unique Storage Key
hv Heavy
HVA High Value Asset
HVAC High-Voltage Air Conditioning
HVAP High-Velocity Armor-Piercing
HVAPFSDS High Velocity Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot
HVAT High-Velocity Antitank
HVF Highly Volatile Fuel
HVIT High Volume Information Transfer
HVT High-Value Target
HW (1) High Water; (2) Hardware
HWAS High Wycombe Air Station
HWC Hobart Walk-in Cooler
HW/SW Hardware/Software
HWY Highway
Hz Hertz