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Military Acronyms and Abbreviations - Acronym Finder

U Unclassified
U-2 (1) Designator for a Military Reconnaissance Aircraft; (2) AF Reconnaissance Aircraft
UA User Agent
UAAF Unified Action Armed Forces
UAE United Arab Emirates
UAM Underwater-to-Air-Missile
UAMP USIS Architecture Migration Plan
UARR Universal Aerial Refueling Receptical
UATP UNIX Advanced Tracking Prototype
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UAV-CR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Close Range
UAV-E Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Endurance
UAV-H Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-HUNTER
UAVJPO Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joint Program Office
UAV-M Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Maneuver
UAV-SR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short Range
UBA Underwater Breathing Apparatus
UBR Unassigned Bit Rate
UC Under Construction
UCAB USIS Customer Advisory Board
UCC ULTRA-Compact Camera
UCG Universal Communications Gateway
UCIB USAFE Command Intelligence Brief
UCIRF USAREUR Combat Intelligence Readiness Facility
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCP Unified Command Plan
UDEAC Economic and Customs Union of Central Africa
UDF United Democratic Front
UDIR USAREUR Daily Intelligence Report
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
UE Unit Equipment
UEAC Union of Central African States
UEC USAREUR Exploitation Center
UFO (1) Unidentified Flying Object; (2) UHF Follow-On Satellites
UFR Unfunded Requirements
UGM Underwater Guided Missile
UGS Unattended Ground Sensors
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UI (1) Unidentified; (2) Unit of Issue
UIC (1) USAREUR Interrogation Center; (2) Unit Identification Code
UIES USAREUR Imagery Exploitation System
UIR User Interface Requirements
UIRK Unique Interswitch Rekeying Key
UIS User Interface System
UJTL Universal Joint Task List
UK United Kingdom
UKADGE United Kingdom Air Defense Ground Environment
UKAGE United Kingdom Air Defense Ground Environment
UKAIR United Kingdom Air Forces
UKLF United Kingdom Land Forces
Ukn Unknown
ULAN Unit Local Area Network
ULANA Universal Location Area Network Architecture
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
ULCS Unit-Level Circuit Switch
ULF Ultra Low Frequency
ULO USAREUR Liaison Office
ULV Unmanned Launch Vehicle
UMD Unit Manning Document
UMF Unconventional Military Forces (NATO)
UMIES USAREUR Modernized Imagery Exploitation System
UMO Unconventional Military Operations
UMOP Unintentional Modulation on Pulse
UN United Nations
UNAAF Unified Action Armed Forces
UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda
UNAVEM United Nations Angola Verification Mission
UNC United Nations Command
UNCIVPOL United Nations Civilian Police
UNCLAS Unclassified
UNDERSEC Under Secretary
UNDHA United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs
UN-DMT United Nations Disaster Management Team
UNDOF United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNEF United Nations Emergency Forces
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
UNFICYP United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHQ United Nations Headquarters
UNICEF United Nations Childrens’ Fund
UNIFIL United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
UNIKOM United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observer Mission
UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
UNITAF Unified Task Force
UNITAS United International Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise (Joint U.S.-Latin American Naval Exercise)
UNITREP Unit Report
UNITSITREP Unit Situation Report
UNIX Orginally UNICS, for Uniplex Information and Computing System
UNMIH United Nations Mission in Haiti
UNMO United Nations Military Observers
UNMOGIP United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNOMIG United Nations Mission in Georgia
UNOMIL United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
UNOMUR United Nations Mission for Uganda-Rwanda
UNOSOM United Nations Operations in Somalia
UNMSC United Nations Military Staff Committee
UNODIR Unless Otherwise Directed
UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force
UNPP UN Peace Plan
UNSAT Unsatisfactory
UNSC United Nations Security Council
UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
UQL Universal Query Language
UNREF United Nations Refugee Fund
UNRWA United Nations Relief & Works Agency
UO Using Organization
UPI United Press International
UPP User Partnership Program
UPS (1) Uninterruptible Power Supply; (2) Universal Polar Stereographic
U2R Reconnaissance Aircraft (U.S. Air Force)
URBBO Urban Area Boundary File
URBPOP Urban Population File
URD User Requirements Document
URG Underway Replenishment Group
URS User Readout Simulator
US United States
U&S Unified and Specified (Archaic, now Unified) Commands
US MLO U.S. Military Liaison Office
US/AIA USEUCOM/ACE Interface Architecture
USA (1) U.S. Army; (2) United States of America
USAABMDA United States Army Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency
USAADASCH U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School
USACAPOC U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
USACC U.S. Army Communications Command
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USACID U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Division Command
USACSLA United States Army Communications Security Logistics Agency
USACOM U.S. Atlantic Command
USAEIS United States Army Electronic Intelligence & Security
USAF U.S. Air Force
USAFE U.S. Air Forces, Europe
USAFE/CC Commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe
USAFINTEL United States Air Force Intelligence
USAFISA U.S. Army Force Integration Support Agency
USAFJ U.S. Air Forces, Japan
USAFK U.S. Air Forces, Korea
USAFLANT U.S. Air Force, Atlantic
USAFR U.S. Air Force Reserve
USAFRED U.S. Air Force Readiness Command
USAFSO U.S. Air Force Southern Command
USAFSOC U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command
USAFSOS U.S. Air Force Special Operations School
USAFSS United States Air Force Security Service
USAFTAC (1) U.S. Air Force Technical Applications Center; (2) U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Command
USAFWTC U.S. Air Force Weapons and Tactics Center
USAIA U.S. Army Intelligence Agency
USAICE U.S. Army Intelligence Center, Europe
USAIC U.S. Army Intelligence Center
USAICS U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USAIIA United States Army Imagery Interpretation Agency
USAINSCOM U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command
USAISC U.S. Army Information Systems Command
USAISD U.S. Intelligence School, Fort Devens
USAITAC U.S. Army Intelligence Threat Analysis Center
USAITFG United States Army Intelligence Threats & Forecasts Group
USAJFKWCS U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
USAKA U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll
USAOG U.S. Army Operational Group
USAR U.S. Army Reserve
USARAK U.S. Army Alaska
USARC U.S. Army Reserve Command
USARCENT U.S. Army Forces, Central Command
USARCO U.S. Army Commercial Communications Office
USAREUR U.S. Army, Europe
USARJ U.S. Army, Japan
USARLANT U.S. Army, Atlantic
USARPAC U.S. Army, Pacific
USARSO (1) U.S. Army, South; (2) U.S. Army Forces, South
USARSOC U.S. Army Reserve, Special Operations Command
USARSPACE U.S. Army Space Command
USARSPACECOM U.S. Army Space Command
USASAALA US Army Security Assistance Agency Latin America
USASACDA United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity
USASACDSA United States Army Security Agency Command Data Systems Activity
USASAE United States Army Security Agency, Europe
USASAPAC United States Army Security Agency, Pacific
USASASA United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity
USASASSA United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity
USASATCOMA United States Army Satellite Communications Agency
USASATEC United States Army Security Agency Test & Evaluation Center
USASEXC United States Army Services Exploitation Center
USASFC U.S. Army Special Forces Command
USASOA U.S. Army School of the Americas
USASOC U.S. Army, Special Operations Command
USASOF U.S. Army, Special Operations Forces
USASOSC U.S. Army Special Operations Support Command
USASSDC U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
USASSG U.S. Army Special Security Group
USATAC U.S. Army Terrain Analysis Center
USATACOM U.S. Army Tank Command
USATC United States Air Target Chart
USATEC U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
USATSC U.S. Army Training Support Center
USB Upper Sideband
USC (1) Under Secretaries Committee; (2) United States Code
USCENTAF U.S. Air Forces Central Command
USCENTCOM U.S. Central Command
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
USCG INT U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence
USCGNET U.S. Communications Grid Network
USCINCACOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command
USCINCARRED Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Readiness Command
USCINCCENT Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command
USCINCEUR Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command
USCINCFOR United States Commander in Chief, US Forces Command
USCINCLANT Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command
USCINCMEAFSA United States Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, & Africa South of the Sahara
USCINCPAC Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command
USCINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
USCINCRED United States Commander in Chief, US Readiness Command
USCINCSO Commander in Chief, U.S. Southern Command
USCINCSOC Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Command
USCINCSOINT Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Intelligence
USCINCSPACE Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command
USCINSTRAT Commander in Chief, Strategic Command
USCINCTRANS Commander in Chief, U.S. Transportation Command
USCMA United States Court of Military Appeals
USCOB United States Command Berlin
USCOMEASTLANT U.S. Commander, Eastern Atlantic
USCS (1) U.S. Customs Service; (2) Unified Soils Classification System; (3) U.S. Cryptologic System
USD Under Secretary of Defense
USD(A&T) Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology)
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDAO U.S. Defense Attache Office
USDE Undesired Signal Data Emanations
USDR United States Defense Representative
USEMB United States Embassy
USEUCOM U.S. European Command
USFJ U.S. Forces, Japan
USFK U.S. Forces, Korea
USFORAZ U.S. Forces, Azores
USFORCARIB U.S. Forces, Caribbean
USFORDOMREP U.S. Forces, Dominican Republic
USFORSCOM U.S. Forces Command
USFORSOM U.S. Forces, Somalia
USG United States Government
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
USI U.S. Intelligence
USIA U.S. Information Agency
USIS (1) U.S. Information Service (USIA abroad); (2) U.S. Imagery System
USIC U.S. Intelligence Community
USILO U.S. Imagery Liaison Officer
USIS (1) U.S. Information Service; (2) U.S. Imagery System
USJTF United States Joint Task Force
USLANTCOM U.S. Atlantic Command
USLO United States Liaison Officer
USM Underwater-to-Surface Missile
USMAAG U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group
USMARCENT U.S. Marine Forces Central Command
USMARDEZLANT U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Atlantic
USMARFORK U.S. Marine Forces, Korea
USMARFORLANT U.S. Marine Forces, Atlantic
USMC U.S. Marine Corps
USMILGP U.S. Military Group
USMLM U.S. Military Liaison Mission
USMOG-W U.S. Military Observer Group-Washington
USMS U.S. Marshal Service
USMTF (1) U.S. Message Text Formats; (2) U.S. Message Text Formatter
USMTM U.S. Military Training Mission
USN U.S. Navy
USNAVAK U.S. Navy Alaska
USNAVCENT U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command
USNAVEUR U.S. Naval Forces, Europe
USNAVFORJAPAN U.S. Naval Forces, Japan (also USNAVFORJ)
USNAVFORKOREA U.S. Naval Forces, Korea (also USNAVFORK)
USNAVSO U.S. Naval Forces, Southern Command
USNI U.S. Naval Institute
USNR U.S. Naval Reserve
USNS U.S. Naval Ship
USO (1) United Service Organization; (2) Unit Security Officer
USODC U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation
USOMC U.S. Office of Military Cooperation
USOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces
USOS USAF Special Operations School
USP&FO U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer
USPACOM U.S. Pacific Command
USR Unit Status Report
USREDCOM U.S. Readiness Command
USREPMILCOMUN United States Representative, UN Military Staff Committee
USRNMC United States Representative To NATO Military Committee
USS (1) User Support System; (2) U.S. Ship
USSID U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive
USSIS U.S. Signals Intelligence System
USSOCOM U.S. Special Operations Command
USSOCPAC U.S. Special Operations Command Pacific
USSOUTHAF U.S. Southern Command Air Forces
USSOUTHCOM U.S. Southern Command
USSPACECOM U.S. Space Command
USSR ( 1) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (now FSU); (2) Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics
USSS (1) U.S. SIGINT System; (2) U.S. Secret Service
USSTRATCOM U.S. Strategic Command
USTRANSCOM U.S. Transportation Command
USTS UHF Satellite Terminal System
USW Undersea Warfare
USYG Under-Secretary General
UT Users’ Terminal
UTAIN USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence Network
UTAIS USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence System
UTC (1) Unit Type Code; (2) Universal Coordinated Time
UTCB USCENTCOM Transportable Communications Backbone
UTH USAREUR Transportable Host
UTIC USAREUR Tactical Intelligence Center
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (Grid)
UTTAS Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System
UV Ultra Violet
UW (1) Unconventional Warfare; (2) Underwater
UWB Ultra Wide Band
UWOA Unconventional Warfare Operational Area